Wednesday, May 2, 2007

My Aha's! (5/1)

Throughout the semester you have been exposed to a variety of technologies, researched studies to further your knowledge, develop your educational technology philosophy, a blog, and much more. What has made the biggest impact on you? How are you going to change as a result of it? What are some other "Aha" moments you had this semester?
Finally, will you continue to utilize your blog and how?

All this semester, I really enjoyed studying this class every Tuesday night. I have learned a lot of new technologies which are very useful and interesting to me. The biggest has made impact on me is that I have learned how to create a website. I used to think it was very difficult to create one. Now I know it is not that hard any more. I really enjoy creating it and it is very challenging to me.

“Aha” moments that I had were RSS and I heard about blogs but I did not know to subscribe blogs and other websites. It was very cool when I knew how to do it. For, I like to use bookmarks on my computer because I do not have to remember the URL. I had a problem when I used other computers which were not mine, not any more after I learned how to use It is very helpful and I can also look at others’ bookmarks of my networks.

I like blogs but one problem is that my Thai friends are not interested in them because they are not good at English. It is difficult to them to read and try to write anything in English. Sometime I wonder if anyone reads my blog, besides my instructor. I think I will continue using blog as a journal for other classes. My blog will become my history and my story for anyone who is interested in.

Thank you Dr. Wickersham who opened the new world of technology to me. : )

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