Monday, February 26, 2007

ETEC 524: TSD #4

1. How will you use this skills to make local, statewide, and/or global connections, enhance critical thinking skills (your own and/or others), and develop/enhance communication skills?
Technologies helps everyone more comfortable and convenient but how will I use them to make local, statewide, and/or global connections, enhance critical thinking skills, and develop communication skills? That is a good question. Videoconferencing may be a good answer for this question. It is not just for people from different places to see each other, but also they can talk to each other. Different students from different countries can contact with each other and exchange information.

2. How will you change the way in which you plan for technology?
I have learned a lot in this country because my country, Thailand, does not have a lot of technology like America. I can tell technologies change the way I lived. Now I use Internet every day and it helps me contact my friends and my family more often. I am thinking about writing about “my life in USA” for my Blog to help Thai students or anyone who is interested in living in USA know more about this country. I might make more friends from this blog.

3. What message(s) did you receive from each chapter loud and clear?
According to my last posting, I think videoconferencing is a good tool for communication between far-away students. Students will be able to learn about the differences between cultures and see new things that they have never seen before.

Left/right brain is a very good topic to think about. It gives me more concern if I will start teaching again. Teaching is not difficult. The difficult thing is how to teach effectively. I wish to be an effective teacher, so I have to study more research and practice teaching more.

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