Friday, January 4, 2008

Wednesday, May 2, 2007

My Aha's! (5/1)

Throughout the semester you have been exposed to a variety of technologies, researched studies to further your knowledge, develop your educational technology philosophy, a blog, and much more. What has made the biggest impact on you? How are you going to change as a result of it? What are some other "Aha" moments you had this semester?
Finally, will you continue to utilize your blog and how?

All this semester, I really enjoyed studying this class every Tuesday night. I have learned a lot of new technologies which are very useful and interesting to me. The biggest has made impact on me is that I have learned how to create a website. I used to think it was very difficult to create one. Now I know it is not that hard any more. I really enjoy creating it and it is very challenging to me.

“Aha” moments that I had were RSS and I heard about blogs but I did not know to subscribe blogs and other websites. It was very cool when I knew how to do it. For, I like to use bookmarks on my computer because I do not have to remember the URL. I had a problem when I used other computers which were not mine, not any more after I learned how to use It is very helpful and I can also look at others’ bookmarks of my networks.

I like blogs but one problem is that my Thai friends are not interested in them because they are not good at English. It is difficult to them to read and try to write anything in English. Sometime I wonder if anyone reads my blog, besides my instructor. I think I will continue using blog as a journal for other classes. My blog will become my history and my story for anyone who is interested in.

Thank you Dr. Wickersham who opened the new world of technology to me. : )

Friday, April 27, 2007

Empowering Teachers with Technology: Final Thoughts on Textbook (4/24)

Chapter's 7, 8 & 9 in your Romano textbook discuss the technology-enhanced curriculum, how to make it happen, and the ultimate goal of the technology-enhanced curriculum. Romano proposes some revolutionary changes regarding technology - changes that require a true paradigm shift in our educational systems.

Each chapter points out issues to be addressed/resolved as well as some guidelines/concepts for implementation. Is he realistic? Why/why not? Take Romano's proposal and develop your own model to enhance curriculum with technology with implementation strategies.
Research other educational entities that have achieved this goal and/or are coming close to realizing these ideals.

I think Romano presents very fantastic points to enhance and implement curriculum. I really like his example of “Empowering Virginia Robertson with Technology” (Romano, 2003, p. 104). It is realistic and showing me how technology enhances teaching and learning. Romano’s implementation strategies seem to be difficult for me. It needs so much money to have them done. I have no idea how far the government has tried to improve education. If they have not done anything at all, it seems to me it will take a long time to finish it. If they have already started some, I hope it would not take a lot more time from now to finish it.

There are many completed projects that I have discovered from a website, called
Technology-Enhanced Curriculum Projects Initiative. Those projects have used technology to enhance learning and teaching.

I have learned a new technology called
Kidspiration from a classmate of the ETEC 562 class. It is a software program that helps students learn such as how to create a story. Audio is available for students to learn to pronounce words and sentences. This software is a part of enhancing curriculum.

Romano, M. T. (2003). Empowering teachers with technology. USA: ScarecrowEducation.

Saturday, April 21, 2007

Online Learning

I really like online learning or distance education. The reason is that I have more time to think about discussion questions before I answer them. I think online learning will be perfect for international students and introvert learners because both kinds of learners will need more time and need to feel comfortable enough to discuss in the class.

My educational technology philosophy is learning by doing and diversified curriculum. Online learning will give students more time to think before answering or discussing the questions. They can also learn at any time they would like to. Communication between a teacher and students are important. Online teachers will have to work harder and be available to answer students’ questions. The teacher who would like to achieve at online teaching should integrate curricula (November, 2001, p. 87).

I have downloaded and tried to play on I am not really sure that how this game is going to empower myself or my students. I think the game is for meeting and talking with people and the type is like SIMS game. The difference between Second Life and Skype or other IMs is you will meet people that are not on your list. I think it is quite dangerous for youngsters if they meet some bad guys online and they do not even know their real names. I was online yesterday and I met two people. I wanted to talk with them but I could not because they spoke Spanish and I do not know Spanish.

November, A. (2001). Empowering students with technology. USA: SkyLight Training and Publishing.

Friday, April 13, 2007

Primary Sources and NARA

Chapter 4 of your Empowering Teachers textbook discusses the power of utilizing primary sources. Go to and explore the website. From the information presented in the book, coupled with what is available from the NARA website, other primary sources and the importance of learning to critically analyze information, how would you utilize primary sources to align with your educational technology philosophy?

I explored the website and I can find a lot of information there. The book helps me understand what the website is about. When I first saw the website, I did not have any idea where to explore. Then, the textbook gives some ideas and I know what to look for.

My educational philosophy focuses on constructivist learning—learning by doing and I still believe in that way. I would like to empower my students by asking them to use technology for their learning. There are a lot of resources and information that they will be able to find on the Internet. My former students are Thais and their problem is they do not understand English well. They have problems to read and understand English. It might not work well with them but if I have a chance to teach them again, I would ask them to find the easy information first and move forward step by step.

Primary sources and my educational technology philosophy would be able to be aligned with each other when students use technology to look for information that I ask them to find. They are learning to find the requested information by doing it themselves.

Saturday, April 7, 2007

PowerPoint, Interactive PowerPoint, and Presentation Skills

I knew a little bit about PowerPoint. I used it for my presentations but what I have used is the simple PowerPoint. I knew how to use animation but I did not know how to make it interactive. After last time class (April 3), I played with it and I have learned from another class how to download and put video clips on it, it is very exciting and fun. I feel like I am making my PowerPoint and my presentation better and more fascinating.

About presentation skills, I think the most important rule for me is rehearsal. I used to feel lazy to rehearse before my presentation. The result was I did a bad job. Now I have learned and I know that although I have a very perfect PowerPoint, I do not practice before the presentation, I am doing the bad job. Actually, practice keeps me away from getting nervous standing in front of people as well.

Friday, April 6, 2007

My blog-My Vision Posting 4/3

What are some patterns that you see in regards to the success and/or failure of technological innovations with such obvious potential for empowerment (such as the TV or computer)? How would you propose to change this pattern?

I think technological innovations have brought the success to society. Technology helps our lives easier and more comfortable. TV and computer are playing the main role for our classrooms. Both of them are for lessening teacher’s tasks and help learners learn easier and more fun. It is the teacher’s job to learn how to apply them to serve learners.

Discuss why you selected these perceptions (think educational technology vision) and how you'll alter and/or stay on course and utilize instructional technology for empowerment.

Information technology empowers teachers by amplifying their capacity to readily provide their learners the heightened sensory perceptions of multimedia” (Romano, 2003, p. 48).
Teacher’s job is to prepare lessons, to adjust the lessons to fit learners, and to consider and apply teaching materials to enhance learner’s ability. Nowadays, technologies offer many benefits for teachers to utilize them to their students.

The master teachers of the Information Age are those who develop the capacity to navigate the worldwide oceans of information and selectively retrieve that which can provide an enriched experience for their learners” (Romano, 2003, p. 50).
I selected this perception because I think good teachers have a lot of work to do for their students. They have to educate themselves and select good information for students. That is why I am in a doctoral program right now. I would like to learn more and know more to help my students in the future.

Teachers plan, communicate, guide, and evaluate. Information technology can be adapted to allow the teacher to do these better and, thus, impact positively the efficiency of the teaching-learning process” (Romano, 2003, p. 54).
Again, whatever happens in the classrooms is teacher’s job. Technology makes teacher’s tasks easier. Now teachers can use computer and software to help plan, communicate, guide, and evaluate.

There is compelling evidence that learning is heightened when teachers create visually rich experiences, thus engaging he learner’s entire brain—rather than only half” (Romano, 2003, p. 58).
There are differences between left and right brain-dominant learners. If teachers use only one specific style for all learners, it would make problems for both teachers and learners. Technology would help teachers to find the right way for different learners.

In great part, the effectiveness of the communication phase of the teaching-learning process determines the outcome. Additionally, there are three critical factors that determine how well learners assimilate the information made available: fidelity, relevancy, and accessibility” (Romano, 2003, p. 58).
An overhead projector, video, and computer are instruments for teachers to use to increase learner’s fidelity, relevancy, and accessibility.

Information technology skillfully integrated into the curriculum will allow teachers to improve the fidelity, relevancy, and accessibility of the information they make available to learners. It is proposed that this empowers teachers so that they might do what they do—better" (Romano, 2003, p. 61).
Chalk and blackboard are not enough for classrooms any more. Technology becomes part of teaching and learning process inevitably. Teachers should work hard to find the right tools for the right learners.


Romano, M. T. (2003). Empowering teachers with technology. USA: ScarecrowEducation.